Wednesday, 24 February 2016

on the elegance of prefixes

never to forget
the day I dragged you home
setting you down
every once in a while
on a bedazzled drift of snow

where do errant
umbrellas stray
after they have lost
their way?

every life turn
can be explained
with a prefix; all of time
sliced and stitched again

the seamstress at Buchenwald
grew to love transposed tattoos.
how else could she have laboured
with such devotion, such sang froid?

Tuesday, 23 February 2016


a cauldron at sea
roils with fierce memory
liquid walls decide:
loser straddles all.

that parachutes me into Buchenwald
an airy graceful fall
the lone oak
standing more mythical
than a lampshade suitcased
for an Easy funeral